Shutterbug Websites

PART 2 - Shutterbug websites

Check out this web post:

Check out the seven suggested websites.

Pick one to explore.
Digital Photography School

Write a short review of the website from your perspective. (say 200-300 words)
Include information like:

The unique feature of this website is that it acts as a medium for photographer bloggers posting tips and advice on photography, from camera specs to editing photos. Bloggers can use this website to post their most insightful knowledge to the public, and in return have their article liked or shared by viewers. The website even showcases blogs on the homepage for casual viewers skimming through the website pages.
The average viewer can get a collection of article tips on creative ideas, gear advice, tech explanations, and (if interested) $100 video courses on specific photography subjects. However, the main issue with the website is the small popularity. Compared to Google, not all searches can have multiple sources, making this site less useful than Google searchings.

Rating: 4/5, user interface and concept is unique and useful, but needs a wider audience/demand.

What is the website intention?
What do they write about?
What can an average viewer get out of going to that website?
Will you add this website to your bookmarks?
Would you recommend the website?

Give it a rating on a scale of 1-5 (1 bad, 5 good) and tell me why you gave it that rating.

Finally, share something that you learned or a photo your found on your website that you liked the most. Write a short (150-200) words about why you chose to share what you published on your blog.


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