My First Interview in a very long time ago

Late January 2020
Many years ago, in Bowie High.
What is your name?

William Estes


What grade are you in?
Junior college in Bowie High - held back

How did you become sotm:

Through academics, not violence I swear. The turning point was when all my competitor suddenly dropped out ht the race due health issues.

When were you announced Student of the Month?

*caught on tape recorders

 was that?
*caught on tape rec.


What is the benefit of being Student of the Month?
"To get respect on the streets"

out side street respect, money rewards
Why did you want to be Student of the Month?
wanted to make it official he was the top #1

to gain prestige


"Because I wanted to be better than everyone else, even though I already am. I wanted to prove to everyone that I am better."

What extracurriculars or clubs did you join?

art to get access to paintbrushes. No comment on why he needed paint brushes.

What are some of your strengths that you believe helped you?

muscles to write

What were weaknesses you had that became difficult later on?
My brain. I was held back for 7 years.

How did you celebrate Student of the Month?

money to buy a lakehouse


Who do you think contributed to your title?

What do you want to say to the other students wanting Student of the Month?
Im always going to be student of the Month

What is your opinion on how Student of the Month is selected?

What things do you think the judges of Student of the Month look for in a student?


What things/ actions did you avoid that you believe contributed to your title?

What did you learn along the way?


What is the benefit of being Student of the Month?

Why did you want to be Student of the Month?


What achievements made you Student of the Month?

What was something special you did that you never expected to do?

What challenges did you overcome?

What was the most difficult time for you?

What did you sacrifice on the journey to becoming Student of the Month?

Any Questions?


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